Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Earthquake and Tsunami warnings in Indonesia

As i am sure you are all aware of the earthquake and tsunami warnings in Indonesia today, I can remember when the first tsunami happened on the 26th December 2004 and to just watch it on my television screen left me in complete shock and utter disbelief. If those were my emotions just sitting at home, I wonder how the people involved in the tsunami had felt? Losing everything from cars, homes, prized possessions and even losing their own life. I have experienced an earthquake before in Birmingham many years ago, although i felt the ground move it wasn't much of an earthquake to be worried about, but even then it brought about the shock factor, but not to the level of the extent of some places such as Japan and Asia in general in 2004.

Thousands if not millions of people have suffered at the hands of the vicious tsunami/earthquake disasters that have occured over the span of 8 years. Homes have been brought down to rubble, cherished possessions lost and never found, same with people..lost and never found. The rebuilding process in those countries are steady but the memory of the dreaded events will never be wiped away from anybody's memory. May those people who have lost their lives due to the natural disasters Rest In Peace.

Nobody deserves to go through such a terrible occurance such as this form of natural disaster. My thoughts and prayers are with those in Indonesia and may Waheguru (God) have mercy on them and protect them, they do not deserve to die/suffer in this way.

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

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