Saturday 21 April 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

Hi all, thought i'd take out the time to tell you what i am doing this weekend. I'm busy, that's pretty much it haha. A wedding has finally arrived in the family after a year and we are celebrating it the only way we know how to, Desi style!

Today was the pre wedding party and as per usual we have free food, free drinks both alcoholic and soft as well as the fast paced music of bhangra to dance to! Thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I was only there a short amount of time, was nice meeting everybody and the free food was delicious. Now for part 2 and the most important part of it all, the wedding itself! Tomorrow should be a good day but for now ladies n gents, it's time to get some rest for the early start tomorrow, gotta be awake for 6am!!

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