Monday 30 April 2012

My dream about Khalistan!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji, first I wish you all a good morning and hope you are well. I had the most amazing dream last night out of the blue, maybe it is a sign of things to come! My dream was of Khalistan (Sikh homeland).

As I fell asleep late last night, in my dream the first thing that appeared to me was that i was no longer in England as everybody was speaking punjabi, there were roads just like how they are in India, there was farms with crops stretching to as far as one can see, Could hear beautiful kirtan (Sikh Hymns) going on from the gurdwara via loudspeaker echoing throughout! but the thing that stood out for me the most was everybody was wearing orange! I was amazed at how this dream had come about and it made me wonder this morning if this was a sign of things to come!

The Kesri revolution has arisen with millions of Sikhs pledging orange, showing the colour of the Kesri Nishaan Sahib on cars, outside homes, people wearing orange to create an awareness, it is simply an amazing sight to see. We finally have unity amongst each other, something which hasn't been done since the time of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale arguably the greatest Sikh leader of all time! Bhai (brother) Balwant Singh Rajoana has united the Khalsa Panth once more and with this unity we should carry on the Khalistani movement! We should put pressure on the Indian government to give us what is rightfully ours, an independent state for the Sikh nation! The pakistani's have Pakistan, The hindus have Hindustan, now it is our turn to free ourselves from the shackles of slavery put on us by the Indian government and finally establish a Sikh homeland which we can actually call our home! Keep pledging orange Sangat Ji, keep this unity strong, we are the Khalsa Panth, we must fight for our freedom and win! Khalistan Zindabaad!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sunday 29 April 2012

Grooming, Blackmail and Conversion!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The Sikh Awareness Society have done amazing seva in regards to this, please do watch the link below click on 'Sikh Awareness Society'
Sangat Ji, I hope you are all well, First of all I would like to thank you all for the support and that my blog wouldn't be a success without you all. I want to talk about a topic which has caught my eye and something that has been going on for a while. Grooming, Blackmail and Conversion!

The meaning of Kaur is princess, so how have we let our princesses become a target for these sex beasts who prey on the youth?

Sikh girls have been a main target for these sick and twisted men who feel it's ok to do what they have been doing, and this issue isn't recent, it has been going on for many years without reply. Within our own community there hasn't been much done to prevent this from happening. However I must add that it isn't just our community that has been targetted, young british white girls and other minorities have been targetted too.

Here is a news article which was published in Luton highlighting
the grooming and conversion issue, may i also stress that it is not all
muslims who do this, other people from other backgrounds
do take part in this grooming and converting process too.
The way that these dispicable men work is unimaginable, they go to extreme lengths in order to achieve what they set out to do. A known example that has been reported before is that these men would tend to spike drinks of girls, mixing a drug within the drink to make it seem as the drink was normal which makes the body to react in such a way that it leaves the person motionless, meaning that they cannot move their body at all. Once this has happened they would then rape the girl and take images of this in order to use them against the girl in a form of blackmail saying things such as if you do not convert we shall show your parents and family these indecent images, leaving the girl in a state of insecurity and making them feel as if they have no option but to convert because of the shame it would bring to the family. That would probably be the last you'd see of the girl. Another tactic used is that these horrible men (from all backgrounds not just a specific group) would start to groom the girls at a young age, mainly 12 to 13 year olds. The majority of grooming begins online with the various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MSN as it is easy to make a fake account and appear as somebody other than your actual self. They would groom them by buying them expensive gifts such as ipods, mobile phones and laptops making them feel special. Obviously a girl of 12 or 13 would be naive, easy to exploit because they are insecure and do not know about the world as you do when you get older. Once they reach the age of 16, they would persuade the girl to leave the house and run away with them, never to be seen again. How have we let this happen to our community? Where did we go wrong?

Not so long ago the Sikh Awareness Society covered a story of a young Sikh girl who had been groomed by what appeared to be as a muslim man and now she is still nowhere to be seen. The family have spent years worrying about their daughter and her whereabouts. Now answer this Sangat Ji, this victim of grooming, if it were your own sister or daughter wouldn't you do what you could to prevent this from happening to others? Wouldn't you fight to get your sister or daughter back? We must be aware of the world around us, it is a very dark world out there and we must be united as one to show the world we are a strong Khalsa Panth! We do not want our sisters to suffer the same fate that others have already suffered, we must rescue the sisters who have already fallen into this trap and bring them back to Sikhi! For the others we must create a full awareness in order to keep our sisters safe! I urge you all Sangat Ji to remain strong and united as one, so we can tackle this issue head on!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Saturday 28 April 2012

KPS Gill - Butcher of Punjab

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

As I was listening to the fantastic album Jago made by Immortal Productions (must buy to be honest!) I had started to think about our Sikh shaheeds with 1984 running through my mind, I had remembered that there was one sick twisted man who had his part to play in the thousands of Sikhs killed in Punjab during that time, One KPS Gill!

This is KPS Gill - Butcher of Punjab,
has the blood of thousands of Sikhs on his hands!
KPS Gill served as Director General of Police in Punjab during 1984 where he had clearly violated human rights claiming he was stamping out terrorism. Now tell me Sangat Ji does being an innocent Sikh man, woman or child make you a terrorist? This is what the Indian government at that time had thought of us! KPS Gill and his pathetic excuse of a police force would use tactics such as fake encounters where they would raid houses belonging to Sikhs to find the men who lived there, take them out then shoot them at point blank range making sure they had died, they would then place a gun next to them to create the illusion of a fake encounter with police. The police, who we normally seek security and protection from were killing us, all down to the orders of one KPS Gill. This man had extreme ways to torture and kill innocent Sikhs. He would do things such as forcefully make a Sikh naked and drop heavy wooden logs on the legs in order to break them. He would enforce the police to cut limbs off a Sikh, as I recently watched a documentary which i will get the name of soon, in a reinactment they had ripped out the eyes of a Sikh man, they would even go to the lengths of forcing a father by beating him then forcefully making him see his own daughter naked. These were the sick and twisted lengths that the Indian police force went to on the orders of the corrupt Indian government which till this day still shows an indifference to Sikhs!  They call him Supercop in India, A police officer that has killed a generation of innocent people is a supercop? What is even worse and a kick in the teeth to us Sikhs is that he was awarded the Padma Shri award which is the 4th highest civilian honour for his work in the 1980's.

This man had commanded the operation Black Thunder where again the police/army would storm Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple complex) to get rid of our lions of the Khalsa Panth where it is claimed that 200 men surrendered, 41 were killed and 2 committed suicide. Whether these figures are true I have no such idea but to storm our sacred shrine once again after the attrocities they caused the first time in Operation Bluestar clearly indicates that the Indian government would go to extreme lengths to eliminate the Sikh nation off the face of the earth. But as history has proven, we will not lie down and die, we shall keep fighting for Sikhi, people have tried and failed and will continue to do so! From what I've heard about the latest on this guy, he is back in Punjab and ready to halt the momentum and movement, this time he shall not succeed!

The reason why I write blogs such as this based on Sikh history is simply because I want to create an awareness for the people who do not know has happened to the Sikh nation over the years and order to remind the Sangat to never forget our history! To never forget how we have been treated by our so called 'motherland'.

Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale had said that we as a Sikh nation are slaves in India and I completely agree. The time for Khalistan has come! Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana has re-ignited the fire that was started by Sant Ji those years ago, we have built the momentum again and just like before, the Indian government fear us! We must unite as one under the Khalsa Panth and fight for our homeland Khalistan. Fight for justice!! Fight for our freedom!! Khalistan Zindabaad!! (Long live Khalistan)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Caste System?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Was again sitting here wondering about life and then it came to my attention that there is such a huge topic within the Sikh nation which has never been covered. The Caste System!

Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj abolished the Caste system
 so why is it still around today?
My first question to you all is Why have we as Sikhs adopted the caste system in to our way of life?
In Sikhi there is no such thing as a caste system, we are all equal, all brothers and sisters under the father who is Waheguru Ji. The beloved Guru's have never adopted the caste system, Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj abolished the caste system so why do we still follow this? Is it a cultural ideology? Sure isn't religiously based!

There are many different castes which have been thrown in to the abyss of society. We have Jatt who are meant to be the highest class, Terkhan (apologies for spelling) which is sort of middle class, Chamar which is of the low caste and many more such as Saini and Bhaman. This caste system had originated from the Hindu nation within India where they had came up with a social hierarchy to distinguish what people's status was in their homeland. So why did we adopt this way of life?

In regards to Sikhi, we are all one, we are all equal and all Waheguru's children. So why do we start sniggering at others when we see somebody of a lower status? Personally I believe there should be no caste system at all, It is a pathetic way of life to think that you are better than somebody else.

Sangat Ji may I ask you this question. You go to Nagar Kirtans, Go to the Gurdwara, Go on protest marchs for Sikh human rights what do you see? I see brothers and sisters united under Waheguru Ji, I don't see a Terkhan or a Jatt, I see a Sikh! Our identity is Sikh not anything from that pathetic excuse of a social hierarchy so I urge you all to please abolish this from our way of life, remember that Waheguru made us as equals and equals we shall remain. You are all my brothers and sisters of Sikhi and nothing different!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 23 April 2012

Quote of the day

Here is a quote that struck me today, and I couldn't agree with it more.
Life is never about the people who act true in front of you, it's about the people who remain true behind you.
Thought I'd share this with you not only because it is true, but maybe you could learn this for yourself and apply it to yourselves, I know i can!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

Hi all, thought i'd take out the time to tell you what i am doing this weekend. I'm busy, that's pretty much it haha. A wedding has finally arrived in the family after a year and we are celebrating it the only way we know how to, Desi style!

Today was the pre wedding party and as per usual we have free food, free drinks both alcoholic and soft as well as the fast paced music of bhangra to dance to! Thoroughly enjoyed myself even though I was only there a short amount of time, was nice meeting everybody and the free food was delicious. Now for part 2 and the most important part of it all, the wedding itself! Tomorrow should be a good day but for now ladies n gents, it's time to get some rest for the early start tomorrow, gotta be awake for 6am!!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Not in my comfort zone!!

Hi there, first of all I'm finally free of the illness and feeling 100% now.

Now on to today's blog entry. I feel very much out of my comfort zone at the moment, well I'm lying, I've felt like that ever since I moved away from home. Don't get me wrong, love the university course but the place itself isn't my preference. It's a small town in the middle of nowhere, heck i hadn't even heard of Buckingham as a place till i actually visited it, stereotypically i used to associate it with where Buckingham Palace is (Duh).

The university itself is quite lovely, my subject that i study is top knotch and i am glad i decided to study further into Journalism now i know that this is the right thing for me. However I am a city man, coming from Birmingham I've normally adjusted to the fast paced environment. There are many shops, clubs etc where i can go to back home whereas in Buckingham there is just a Tesco..come on really? And your 'night out' there is either 13 high street or the OTM which to be quite fair to them have thrown some good parties. But still this is nothing compared to where I am from, I mean one tesco in the whole town, damn it must be a small place.

I also feel that the students I have come across do not know the real me with the exception of one, but I think that friendship fell apart in time majority of it being my fault and I do regret it but hey what can you do? Guess i just miss them! I'll admit I am a very shy person, especially in Buckingham i tend to shy away a lot simply because i do not know everyone well enough. I look around and see everybody getting along with each other, having a good time and i do sometimes think to myself why can't that be me? Why do i not fit in here? With the friends that i have made there i am very greatful for, but i still feel that the real me has yet to be unleashed there and people only know the quiet side of me. Considering how small Buckingham is you'd think everyone knows who you are, truth is i know people by name, but that would be about it. I don't even think people know my name there. Maybe it's my fault, maybe i'm just too shy, maybe i feel way out of my comfort zone that i keep the real me locked away just so i can get on with life there..Who knows? If you'd ask my friends back home in Birmingham they'd tell you how i really am, which would probably appear the complete opposite to the way i am in Buckingham. I'd like to fit in more amongst the students at the University, make my experience much more enjoyable but it's as if something is stopping me from doing so. Who knows maybe Buckingham will see the real me one day? Although at this current moment in time i doubt it!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

1984 - Delhi Massacre

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Stil haven't fully recovered from my illness at the moment but as promised i will write about the Delhi genocide of the Sikhs.

A Singh had his Dastaar (turban) removed,
look how the police officer just watches on in the background!
On the 31st of October 1984, was the end of an era. Beant Singh and Satwant Singh had taken the courage and showed what true lions of the Khalsa Panth do when they assassinated the tyrant Indira Gandhi. They took revenge for the innocent Sikh men, women, children and the freedom fighters of the Khalistani movement who were killed during Operation Bluestar - Attack on Sri Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple) complex. In the eyes of the Sikh nation, they had become heroes, in the eyes of the Hindu community which makes up most of the population in India they thought the opposite. The assassination of Indira Gandhi had sparked a national outcry for the blood of Sikhs. People such as your precious Amitabh Bhachan were urging people to kill Sikhs saying and i quote ' Blood for blood'. Sikh men suffered torture from all kinds of people, Police and mobs alike. They would remove turbans of the Sikh men and go on to kill them. Shops which were owned by Sikhs would be looted and set alight. Houses with Sikh residents would also be looted and set alight. Many thousands of Sikhs who survived the massacre had nothing left. Women who were left widowed where and what were they supposed to live on? We had lost an entire generation of the Sikh faith!

A young Sikh boy being burned alive by the Hindu mob,
how can you justify such actions?
During the days of the violence, many innocent Sikhs were killed. It is estimated that around 50,000 Sikhs were killed during the Dehli massacre! We lost an entire generation. Sikh men and boys were killed instantly in front of their wives, sisters and daughters in ways unthinkable. They would butcher the bodies of Sikh men and boys, they would burn them alive. The women of the Sikh faith would endure countless acts of rape, torture and even death itself. Sikh youth as young as 18 months were killed just because of the faith that they follow. How can the 'largest democracy in the world' allow this to happen? They were themselves in on the massacre with police refusing to help the Sikhs who were looking for someone to protect them, instead the police were bystanders to this, some even joined in on the killing of the Sikhs.

Listed below is a brief timeline of what occured during those days of the massacre.

 First day (31 October)

  • 9:20 am: Indira Gandhi is shot by two of her Sikh security guards at her residence, No. 1 Safdarjung Road, and rushed to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
  • 10:50 am: Indira Gandhi dies.
  • 11:00 am: All India Radio listeners learn that the two security guards who shot Indira Gandhi were Sikhs.
  • 4:00 pm: Rajiv Gandhi returns from West Bengal and reaches AIIMS. Stray incidents of attacks in and around that area.
  • 5:30 pm: The motorcade of President Zail Singh, who is returning from a foreign visit, is stoned as it approaches AIIMS.
evening and night
  • Organized and well equipped gangs of ruffians set-up by ruling Congress-I party workers set out in different directions from AIIMS.
  • The violence, including violence towards Sikhs and destruction of Sikh properties, spreads.
  • Rajiv Gandhi is sworn in as the Prime Minister.
  • Senior advocate and opposition leader Ram Jethmalani, meets Home Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao and urges him to take immediate steps to protect Sikhs from further attacks.
  • Delhi's Lt. Governor, P.G. Gavai and Police Commissioner, S.C. Tandon, visits some of the affected areas.

 Second day (1 November)

  • The first killing of a Sikh occurs in east Delhi.
  • 9:00 am: Armed mobs take over the streets of Delhi and launch a massacre.
Among the first targets are Gurdwaras, the holy temples of Sikhs, possibly to prevent Sikhs from collecting there and putting up a combined defence.
The worst affected areas are low income colonies like Trilokpuri, Mongolpuri, Sultanpuri and Palam Colony. The few areas where the local police stations take prompt measures against mobs see hardly any killings or major violence. Farsh Bazar and Karol Bagh are two such examples.

Third day (2 November)

Curfew is announced throughout Delhi, but is not enforced. The Army deployed throughout Delhi too but ineffective because the police did not co-operate with soldiers (who are not allowed to open fire without the consent of senior police officers and executive magistrates).
Mobs continue to rampage.

 Fourth day (3 November)

Violence continues. By late evening, the national Army and local police units work together to subdue the violence. After law enforcement intervention, violence is comparatively mild and sporadic.In Delhi the dead bodies of the victims of riots were taken to All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi and Civil Hospital Mortuary Tis hazari, Delhi.
Here is a 10 minute video which i urge you all to watch, to gain a real understanding of the genocide.

28 years and the Sikhs still have no justice for those actions! This massacre was Hitler-esque, it was a genocide of the Sikh nation. May those who lost their lives in 1984 rest in peace, they are with Waheguru (God) now! But a question for the indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh.  A genocide has been committed towards the Sikh nation, You yourself are a Sikh, 28 years still no justice, Why are you not doing anything to put the people responsible behind bars? Your quick to put Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana on death row for killing a tyrant yet you turn a blind eye to the actions of the genocide carried out in 84, knowing who the culprits are, then you release them to walk the streets once more, and not bringing peace to those who suffered. Then you wonder why we have lost faith in the judicial system in India, saying that we were always secluded and treated differently to everybody else in India. 1984 - NEVER FORGIVE, NEVER FORGET!!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Monday 16 April 2012

1984 - Operation Bluestar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

 I was lying down in my bed as I am ill and started to think about the dark history of June 1984. For those who do not understand what I am talking about please do read the rest of this blog to find out.

Operation Bluestar was a military operation ordered by the twisted Indira Gandhi who was Prime minister of India at that time to attack Sri Harimandir Sahib (The Golden Temple) in order to halt the growing Khalistani movement which was led by Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale, arguably the greatest Sikh leader of the 21st century! Incase you are wondering, the Khalistani movement was the movement which was led by Sant Ji in order to gain a seperate state within India ( mainly askinf for the majority of Punjab) for the Sikh nation . It only seems fair as Pakistan was the homeland to Pakistani's, India was the homeland to the Hindu nation so why weren't we given Khalistan after it was promised to us by the government on more than one occasion? The Indian Army stormed the Sri Harimandir Sahib complex armed with weapons and tank vehicles however the brave Sikhs were also armed in order to defend the complex and to defend a nation! The brave lions of the Khalsa Panth fought vigorously against the Indian army which lasted from the 3rd June till the 6th June 1984. The total casualties of the army were 83 deaths and the number of civilian deaths at 492, though some independent estimates run as high as 1500. These civilians were innocent Sikh men, women and children as well as the freedom fighters of the Khalistani movement.

The Akhal Takht was desicrated by the Indian Army who fired at the sacred shrine with tanks. The Akhal Takht is the equivalent to Mecca for the Islamic nation or The Vatican which is the sacred shrine home to the catholics. Now tell me how would you feel if your sacred home of worship had come under attack and been desicrated by the orders of the government? Our living Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji again the equivalent to the Qu'aran or the Holy Bible was shot at by the Indian Army leaving bullet holes and damaging the holy scriptures. In addition, the CBI is considered responsible for seizing historical artifacts and manuscripts in the Sikh Reference Library before burning it down. When you hear the word Army you normally associate them with the words safe and protection, but on those three dark days we had them attacking us, how can this be justified? Here is an image of the damage done by the Indian Army on our sacred shrine, which even till this day fills me with a range of emotions, anger for the fact it actually happened, sadness for the fact that they could do it.

According to Joyce Pettigrew, in her 1995 book, The Sikhs of the Punjab: Unheard Voices of State and Guerrilla Violence: “The army went into the Darbar Sahib not to eliminate a political figure or a political movement but to suppress the culture of a people, to attack their heart, to strike a blow at their spirit and self-confidence.”

India which is meant to be known for being the 'Largest democracy in the world' praised acts such as this. Ask yourself this, If your spiritual home was under attack, if your nation was under attack, wouldn't you do something to prevent this? There is one clear message from this attack, the Sikh nation is not welcome in India. Time and time again they have tried to wipe out the Sikhs and have always failed. Never forget 84! Please watch this if you want to know, indepth of the 84 attacks!

I will be writing about the Dehli massacre of the Sikhs in 1984 after the assassination of Indira Gandhi tomorrow! Till then please do read and watch the link i have posted.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Saturday 14 April 2012

Joke of the day!

Here's a joke i found rather funny and I thought i'd share it with you all.

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The driver says: "Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen."
The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me." The man says: "You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you.

Yes i know probably not the best joke, but according to the Daily Record it is the number one joke! Enjoy reading the others on there, quite a few that did make me chuckle haha.

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Friday 13 April 2012

Happy Vaisakhi!!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Let me first begin by saying Happy Vaisakhi to you all, may Waheguru (God) bless you and your family on this prosperous day!

Vaisakhi is the festival which celebrates the founding of the Sikh community known as the Khalsa. It is celebrated on April 14 each year. On Vaisakhi day in 1699, Guru Gobind Singh summoned Sikhs from all over India to the city of Anandpur Sahib. At this gathering, the Guru called upon Sikhs to uphold their faith and preserve the Sikh religion. Guru Gobind Singh then lifted his sword and asked that anyone prepared to give his life for his faith to come forward. There was a big silence, but the Guru went on repeating his demand. One Sikh finally came forward and followed the Guru into a tent. Shortly after, the Guru reappeared alone with his sword covered in blood, and asked for a second volunteer. Another Sikh stepped forward and again the Guru took him into the tent, and re-appeared alone with his sword covered with blood. This was repeated until five Sikhs had offered their heads for the Guru. Finally, the Guru emerged from the tent with all five men dressed piously in blue. Guru Gobind Singh called the five Sikhs the Panj Pyare, the Five Beloved Ones.           

The Panj Pyare were then baptized in a unique ceremony called pahul. Guru Gobind Singh prepared amrit (holy water) in a bowl using a short steel sword. Then the Guru's wife, Mata Sundri, added patashas (sugar crystals) into the amrit. After completing prayers, Guru Gobind Singh sprinkled the amrit on each of the Panj Pyare. The Guru then knelt before the five and asked them to baptize him as well. Here is an image below of the Panj Pyare and Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

We celebrate this prosperous day by going to the Gurdwara (Sikh temple) in which we pray, do seva and unite as a community to celebrate the birth of the Khalsa. We also normally do something called Nagar Kirtan which involves the leading of the Panj Pyare (Five beloved ones) followed by the Guru Granth Sahib (Holy scriptures) which is normally on a float, followed by the Sangat (Sikh community) where we would walk, singing holy hymns as a collective. Nagar Kirtan is done on a yearly basis again as part of the celebrations for this beautiful day.

May i once again wish you all a very Happy Vaisakhi and may Waheguru Ji bless you all.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Earthquake and Tsunami warnings in Indonesia

As i am sure you are all aware of the earthquake and tsunami warnings in Indonesia today, I can remember when the first tsunami happened on the 26th December 2004 and to just watch it on my television screen left me in complete shock and utter disbelief. If those were my emotions just sitting at home, I wonder how the people involved in the tsunami had felt? Losing everything from cars, homes, prized possessions and even losing their own life. I have experienced an earthquake before in Birmingham many years ago, although i felt the ground move it wasn't much of an earthquake to be worried about, but even then it brought about the shock factor, but not to the level of the extent of some places such as Japan and Asia in general in 2004.

Thousands if not millions of people have suffered at the hands of the vicious tsunami/earthquake disasters that have occured over the span of 8 years. Homes have been brought down to rubble, cherished possessions lost and never found, same with people..lost and never found. The rebuilding process in those countries are steady but the memory of the dreaded events will never be wiped away from anybody's memory. May those people who have lost their lives due to the natural disasters Rest In Peace.

Nobody deserves to go through such a terrible occurance such as this form of natural disaster. My thoughts and prayers are with those in Indonesia and may Waheguru (God) have mercy on them and protect them, they do not deserve to die/suffer in this way.

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Family - The most important thing to me!

I will be the first to say i cannot live without my family. I find it the most challenging part of life when you live away from the people who love and care for you the most. When i started university back in September 2011, I felt as if i had grown up, became a man, free and independent. For the first two weeks I felt home sick which resulted in me going back home on weekends. Afterwards i had got used to the fact of living alone which to be honest was not a bad experience.

To live alone means you have full control of your own life, but you also have more responsibility than you would living at home with family. You would have to clean up your own mess, decide what you want to eat, cook yourself and those are just a few things that you learn while living independently. You dont get your moms great homemade food, but instead have to eat microwave meals or takeaways. You dont get the opportunity to talk to your mother/father if you feel upset. It was something i was accustomed to when i lived at home. I love being surrounded by my family and i honestly dont think i could go a certain amount of time without them.

However there are some people out there, not mentioning any names who decide it is ok to leave their own family behind and start afresh elsewhere. Some people are just to arrogant to admit they are wrong. How can somebody abandon their own parents after they were the ones who brought them into this world? How can somebody abandon his own siblings who have always been there for them and continue to do so even though they do not deserve the love and affection they get? How does somebody cut off all ties with his family then having the nerve not to take the blame and to blame everybody else but themselves? It is said that a person changes once they get married, Honestly i can say I have seen that this is true before my very eyes. They say Karma will come back to bite you, well i hope that this is true, some people deserve the treatment they put others through.

They say that a man is nothing without his family. I can only agree with this, i am nothing without my mother, father, brother, sister and grandparents and i feel blessed to have such a wonderful family!

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh

Monday 9 April 2012

Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana

Waheguru Ji Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

As some may be aware, especially the Sikh nation, Bhai (Brother) Balwant Singh Rajoana had been given a death sentence after being imprisoned for 17 years after the killing of the chief minister of Punjab, Beant Singh.

Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana is seen by the corrupt Indian government as a murderer but in the eyes of the Sikh nation he is seen as a hero, a lion of our sleeping nation. You may be questioning as to why i call him a hero but theres a simple explanation for this. He killed a man who was known to be committing a genocide of the Sikh people in Punjab, India. Beant Singh was very well documented to have killed 50,000 Sikhs for no apparent reason. There was no motive behind why he was giving out orders to kill his own people yet he did it anyway, due to the orders of the corrupt Indian government who claim to be 'the largest democracy in the world'. On the 31st August 1995, Beant Singh was assassinated via a human bomb which had been pre planned by Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana and one other person who sacrificed himself to kill this tyrant, somebody had to stop this man killing innocent Sikh men, women and even children! Bhai Balwant Singh had been put into jail shortly after and has been inside for 17 years suffering torture and not having any rights whatsoever. What ever happened to human rights? But this has been a consistent problem between the Sikh nation living in India and the Indian government. There has always been injustice towards Sikhs living in India compared to other religious groups.

There is a highly detailed history of Injustice towards Sikhs in India. In 1984, Operation Bluestar took place in Amritsar, India where Sri Akhal Takht Sahib and Sri Harimandir Sahib which is the equivalent to Mecca or The Vatican in terms of religious places of worship, was attacked and left in ruins by the so called 'Largest democracy in the world' when, by orders of the Prime minister of that time, Indira Gandhi ordered the Indian army to attack the sacred shrine of the Sikhs in order to try and kill Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale who was another lion of the Sikh nation. Many innocent Sikh men, women and children were killed inside the Harimandir Sahib (Golden temple) complex. This sparked rage amongst the Sikh nation worldwide as this was like putting a knife through the heart of every Sikh person attacking our sacred shrine. On 31st October 1984, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards, again lions of the nation for taking a drastic step towards the justice that us Sikhs deserved. This had sparked Hindu terrorist groups to a reaction far beyond anybody's imagination. They were given the name 'Dehli riots' yet i strongly disagree with the word riots, it was all one sided and any Sikh man, woman or child was killed on sight. What was even worse was the fact that the Indian police allowed this to happen, when Sikhs requested the help of the police who are meant to ensure the safety of everyone, they were denied, abused and were even killed by the very people they seeked comfort and protection from. Who were the Sikhs of 84 meant to go to when we were isolated by the rest of the country? During that 3 day period it was documented that 20,000 Sikhs were killed which included children as young as 18 months who were burned to death because they were Sikh. Shops and homes owned by Sikhs were looted and burnt, Women who were left alive were being raped by the twisted and sadistic hindu terrorist groups and the corrupt police and left widowed. Just recently some of the people involved in killing many Sikhs during that 3 day period in 1984, have been released free to roam the streets yet Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana masterminded the assassination of a tyrant, serves 17 years in jail and has been sentenced to death! 28 years and we still seek justice from the Indian government and we shall not rest till we achieve our goal of justice for the thousands of Sikh families who have suffered! Another injustice and it clearly showed that it still exists today was when the Sikhs of Gurdaspur, India were peacefully protesting a couple of weeks ago, police opened fire on the peaceful protesters which led to the death of 18 year old Bhai Jaswant Singh. Furthermore Bhai Ranjit Singh was also shot by the police for peacefully protesting and is now currently in critical condition in hospital. What provoked the officers to shoot on the Sikh people protesting when it was done in a calm and peaceful manner? There was no violence from the Sikhs so why did they do this? In addition to this the Shiv Senna ( a hindu terrorist group) were trying to provoke the Sikhs protesting by throwing rocks and chanting indecently towards the Sikh nation yet the police didnt make a move! We did not respond in a manner which would degrade us but we responded peacefully by reciting the name of Waheguru (God) yet they opened fire on us!

When it was first announced that Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana was sentenced to death, it sparked a worldwide outrage amongst the Sikh community. There has been a lot of action that has took place with protests held worldwide from Birmingham, London in the UK, Brussels in Belgium, Canada, USA, Germany, Italy which is just a small list of countries that decided to take action and take to the streets peacefully. I recently attended a march rally in Birmingham, UK 2 weeks ago in support for the freedom of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana where around 300 people took part in the march and over 1000 Sikhs turned up at the Indian High Commission office to peacefully protest for the release of Balwant Singh. There has also been a campaign which has been held called IPledgeOrange. This campaign urges all Sikhs to fly the Kesri Nishaan Sahibs (Flag of the Sikh nation) outside their homes and on cars. Also people are urged to wear orange to create an awareness, something which i have taken part in even while at University as i believe that this awareness should be created anywhere. This campaign is not strictly aimed for Sikhs it is open to people of all faiths, we want the support of everybody in our fight to release this man who technically has done nothing wrong. We have had the support of MP's such as Ken Livingstone and Tom Watson as well as many others up and down the country! We have also got the support of Amnesty International i believe too. In my eyes he did the same job as the marines who assassinated Bin Laden, the people who killed Gadaffi, the people who assassinated Saddam Hussain,  He killed a tyrant who ordered a genocide on the Sikhs.

Currently, Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana is still in jail after the government had decided to delay the hanging until further notice. This means that our job was only half done, we want the freedom of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana and we urge everybody to help us in our fight for justice. This man on his own, from a prison cell, woke up the entire Sikh nation worldwide, something which hasn't been done for decades. We urge you all to pledge orange and fight for the justice that Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana deserves, he has served his time so why sentence the man to death? He is also human and is a son, an uncle, a brother just like any other person. Were the people who killed Bin Laden, Gadaffi and Saddam Hussain sentenced to death also? So why should this lion of the Sikh nation be sentenced to death bearing in mind he has also had to serve time in jail? Stop the injustice to Sikhs in India! India = largest democracy in the world? Please..what kind of democracy singles out and isolates a religious group. Sikhs want justice and we shall fight until we get it!

Waheguru Ji Kha Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Vikramjit Singh Dosanjh