Sunday 12 May 2013

Jagtar Singh Hawara, a terrorist in the eyes of India, but a hero in the eyes of the Sikh Panth!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I hope you are all well Sangat Jyo and remain in Chardi Kala. I want to talk about a man who I feel doesn't get enough recognition for what he has done for our panth. The sher of the panth Jagtar Singh Hawara. This was the man who masterminded an escape from jail at Burail as well as the killing of the Indian puppet Beanta. Bole So Nihaal SatSriAkaal.

Our lion of the panth, wearing a Sant Bhindranwale t shirt
Jagtar Singh Hawara was born in Village Hawara, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab in the 1970's. He was a very prominent man who aspired to do well in life. He received a good education and was known to be a hard worker who was honest, dedicated and in love with Sikhi.

During the civil war which broke out between us and the Indian government, his family had fallen due to the cowardly acts of the police, taking the lives of those close to Hawara which triggered the lion to roar from within. Hawara had took upon himself to join the Sikh freedom movement and rapidly gained praise from all over, becoming associated with the highly regarded freedom activist group Babbar Khalsa International. Babbar Khalsa International was one of many freedom fighting organisations which all had one aim, to establish Khalistan (The land of purity) and for Sikhs as well as those who lived in Punjab to have our basic human rights.

After seeing how promising Hawara was in his efforts for the movement, he was promoted to head of operations within Babbar Khalsa International where he would lead the Kharkus of our great nation to even the score with the Indian government for those who were involved in 84 and those who tried to wipe out the Sikh nation.

Later on he and two others were arrested and put into Burail jail. After careful planning and consideration he and Paramjit Singh Bheora and one other dug a 100ft tunnel underground to escape from prison and carry on the movement. During the 90's Beanta had ordered the Indian police to wipe out Sikhs and would reward them with promotions etc for killing as many Sikhs as possible. Hawara and a few others got together and said something must be done. Hawara had decided that Beanta needed to be taken out in order to save many lives of the Sikh nation and decided that a sacrifice would have to be made. He even offered to do it himself but was told he cannot by an elder who said that he would be needed in the future which meant that it came down to two lions of the panth. Bhai Dilavar Singh Babbar and Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana (both ex police officers). It was decided by the fate of Waheguru that he would bless Dilavar Singh with this job and so It happened. Dilavar Singh had successfully assassinated Beanta and the killings of Sikhs across Punjab dropped drastically.

Now Hawara rests in prison with court case after court case and often the verdict being found guilty, obviously because he was a freedom fighting Sikh he would stand no chance of fair trial and justice. He has also been issued on death row along with Rajoana and Bhullar Ji. We must not forget these lions of the Panth who are living in our lifetime. We must honour those brave lions and try to seek justice for those who fought for the truth. Bhai Hawara we salute you for your work for the Panth. Bole So Nihaal, Sat Sri Akaal!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 6 May 2013

My poem on Sikh history

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. I thought rather than discussing about the perpetrators against Sikhi in recent times or talk about a certain topic relating to Sikh sentements in depth, I would like to show you some of my poetic work which relates to Sikhi and I hope you enjoy it.

We fight against injustice, from previous to present
To wipe out the Sikh nation was their intent
Sri Harimandir Sahib, so beautiful and divine
in 84, the Indian government attacked our holiest shrine
reduced it to rubble, using their tanks
dumping our dead Sikh brothers and sisters in river banks
Countless killed our brothers, raped our sisters ripped their clothes
Adopting anti Sikh operations such as Shudi Karan, Blackthunder and Woodrose
India destroyed our gurdwaras, our families our lives
But remember sangat jyo the Khalsa Panth never dies
We have awoken, our lions have roared
remember the words of Guru Ji, when all peaceful means fail its righteous to draw the sword
The government have fear, they tremble in their knees
Because we have finally arisen to make ourselves free
free from oppression, from genocide from slavery
One day we shall achieve it just wait and see
Khalistan will be established as our own nation
Justice will be served and for us will become a revelation
Sajjan Kumar, Tytler and Gill will pay for what they did
Fighting for justice is what we bid
Taken them to court with full evidence, after 29 years justice it shall be
Yet they become acquitted, they get to walk free
But our brothers and sisters have sat in jail without a valid reason
Given false accusations such as terrorism and treason
Wake up Sangat Jyo we have to unite
So gear yourselves for the battle of truth because we shall win this fight
They claim to be the land of freedom what a hypocrisy
All this coming from India 'the worlds largest democracy'

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sunday 28 April 2013

Parkarsh Badal - Puppet of the Indian Government

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. Today I would like to talk about a man who has never really done any justice to the Sikhs yet this same man keeps getting votes to rule over Punjab. He is known as Parkarsh Badal. I refuse to use Singh in his name because in the kaum's eyes he doesn't deserve the right to have such a prestigious name attached to his name because of his mind-games with his own people.

The sellout known as Parkarsh Badal - Current CM of Punjab
As you all know, Badal is the current Chief minister of Punjab and is the head of the Shiromani Akali Dal party. People blindly used to believe because he is Sikh, he will bring justice to the Sikhs of Punjab after the atrocities of 1984 with Operation Bluestar, the Dehli Massacres in 84, Operation Woodrose, Operation Shudi Karan the list is endless yet instead of actually getting to the bottom of this he opts to reward those who committed these deeds. He rewards a well known butcher of the Sikhs Sumedh Saini by promoting him to DGP of Punjab Police. Think about it..this guy who some of the Sikhs in Punjab looked to for justice, rewards the killer of many Sikhs and gives his people nothing. He is a puppet just like his senior Mr Manmohan the PM of India.

Badal in recent times has only 'come to the aid' of his people with the clemency pleas of Rajoana and Bhullar Ji. However I see it as a smokescreen, he believes he is doing good when really he isn't giving them the justice they deserve. He pleads for them not to be hanged but instead rot in jail for the rest of their lives. Where is the justice in that? Badal where is your sauch? If you really cared about your own people you wouldn't reward Saini with promotions, you wouldn't let people like Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar and famous Bollywood hotshot Amitabh Bhachan roam freely when they instigated the murders of thousands of Sikhs in October 1984. You are as guilty as they are for those crimes!  You should be fighting for sovereignty, fighting alongside us for freedom, for KHALISTAN! For JUSTICE! FOR THE TRUTH! Just think back to those who have committed crimes against Sikhs who are in higher power. I remember a certain Beanta who was Chief Ministed of Punjab at one point and we all know how that ended! BOLE SONIHAAL SATSRIAKAAL to Bhai Dilavar Singh and Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana!

I have no faith in you Badal, you are a disgrace to the Kaum! Your son may be, in fact he will be better than you when he takes over as he does care about the kaum and the issues of Sikhi whereas you don't care about your own people. The sooner you are overthrown the better! The rising of the Khalsa Spring will hit you along the way, be prepared Badal because even you will fall just like those who have tried to bring down the Sikh Kaum!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sunday 21 April 2013

Sumedh Saini - Murderer of Sikhs

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. I would first like to thank the Sangat for the overwhelming support I have received in doing my blogs and I aim to keep doing them. I shall not be silenced by any means and will continue to help others gain knowledge on our history as well as expose those who tried to wipe it out. Today we are going to talk about Sumedh Saini known for killing many Sikhs.

Sumedh Saini in the 80's and 90's was a well ranked police officer who was very much opposed against the Khalistani freedom movement. He, just like the rest of the Punjab police at the time, were paid to take out as many innocent Sikhs as they could in order to gain pay rises/promotions (something the Indian government will openly deny because they are cowards!) but this man would go on to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the force because of his sheer brutality.

Here is an image of the scumbag Sumedh Saini
 He was responsible for the deaths of Balwinder Singh Jatana's family which included murdering his 95 year old grandmother, his aunt, his niece and his cousin who suffered from a disability. It is widely reported that Saini and his henchmen had set their house on fire killing all inside and then trying to shift the blame on the Kharkus of the Khalistani movement.

You are all aware of Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar and his recent clemency appeal being rejected. Well Sumedh Saini was responsible for the deaths of Bhullar's father, two uncles and his nephew. In July, 2008, Sumedh Saini was indicted for his involvement in the torture of Balwant Singh Multani and Balwant Singh Bhullar, father of Devinderpal Singh Bhullar. The CBI registered a case of abduction, illegal detention and other offences against him and three other police officers.

Saini and his associates picked up Balwant Singh Multani from a house in Phase VII, Mohali in August 1991. According to the 2008 FIR, both Balwant Singh Bhullar and Bhai Balwant Singh Multani were tortured during their detention, never to be seen again. Instead of actually being convicted of the killings he was set free. How can this be justified by what is supposed to be the 'largest democracy in the world'. Absolute bull****!

Now this man is the current DPG of Punjab. This is rubbing salt in the wounds of all the Sikh families lives that this man destroyed. Have a guess who promoted him to that role? None other than that puppet Parkarsh  Badal. Does Badal have something against his own people that he fails to bring justice to the many Sikh families in Punjab and would rather promote the killers of Sikhs? Sumedh Saini is a killer of the Sikhs, plain and simple and yet this man is the DPG of Punjab! How can this be justified?

Sumedh Saini is a very dangerous man indeed, but his days are numbered! You will pay for what you have done in one way or another. Waheguru watches over all, and you shall be sent straight to hell for your crimes! This is just a snippet of the life of Sumedh Saini, I encourage you all to stand against this man and to do your own research if you feel you want to know more. I have exposed him to you Sangat Jyo. Next on my list will be the puppet Parkarsh Badal!


I urge you all to watch Veerji Sarbit Singh's detailed
 video on Sumedh Saini by clicking the link below!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Friday 19 April 2013

Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar is innocent!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala during these dark times for the Sikh nation.

As I am sure  you are all well aware of the recent announcement coming from 'democratic' India that they are prepared to hang Professor Bhullar after rejecting his clemency plea. The fact that the death penalty still exists in what is supposed to be a democratic country is a joke. A country cannot simply call themselves a democracy if they are willing to hang prisoners at their own free will, especially isolating our nation as they are baying for the blood of Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana, Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara and Professor Bhullar as well as thousands of our brothers and sisters who have languished in jail for decades.

Professor Bhullar was a normal, honest living person just like you and I. He was a very intellectual person who had studied engineering at Ludhiana University to the highest form possible, earning the status of becoming a professor and going later on to teach at the same university that he studied at. Students had seen Professor Bhullar as someone to look up to, someone that they took inspiration from. During the dark days of the 80's and 90's Professor Bhullar saw what was happening to the kaum he belonged to. His students started to disappear from his class in these fake encounters, seeing innocent Sikhs murdered, he questioned where they were disappearing to. He raised his voice to the Indian government and questioned exactly what was happening to his fellow people!

Sumedh Saini, who was a police officer back then is well known to be one of the butchers of the Sikhs during the 80's and 90's became alert to Professor Bhullar. This triggered a reaction from Saini and in order to strike fear into Bhullar, Saini would find and execute Bhullar's father, his two uncles and his nephew. Now answer this India, what did his father, uncles and nephew do wrong? How can you justify the killings of not just his family but the thousands of Sikhs whom their blood is on your hands?

After receiving death threats from Sumedh Saini and the Punjab police, Bhullar, his wife and son fled to Germany in order to seek get away from the tyranny and chaos in Punjab. In 1995, India came knocking on Germany's door asking for Bhullar to be returned to India. Germany agreed on the counts that he would be treated fairly and that they cannot harm or execute him. India falsely agreed. As soon as he landed in Delhi, he was arrested on the counts of the terrorism and TADA act. Since then Professor Bhullar has been in jail for 18 years. Life imprisonment in India is 15 years so he has served an extra 3 years on top of that.

To make matters worse, Bhullar has been in jail without fair trial. 131 witnesses confirmed that he was not at the scene of a bomb blast which he has been wrongly accused of setting off. They have based their sentencing on a fake confession which they had to take his thumbprint. Why would a professor who educates others need to use a thumbprint to sign a confession statement? Again its the Punjab police who brutally tortured him, forcefully taking his thumbprint and writing a fake confession statement. Bhullar had suffered years of physical and mental torture at the hands of the Punjab police to the point where he doesn't even know where he is, at one point he could not even recognise his own wife!

Out of the three judges who were to give the verdict on his death sentence, 2 of the 3 sentenced him to death whereas Justice Shah opposed saying there is not enough sufficient evidence to  hang him. Even the prosecutor of his trial back in 2002 had come out to say that Justice Shah made the right call!

India answer me these questions! You let people like Jagdish Tytler walk the streets knowing full well what he did with thousands of witnesses to prove he was the instigator of the Delhi massacre of Sikhs in 84 yet you put Bhullar on death row despite being innocent, how can you justify that?
You call yourself a democracy yet you have double standards for Sikhs and the rest of is that a democracy?
You promote killers of Sikhs such as Sumedh Saini to DGP of Punjab police yet you lock up Bhai Rajoana, Bhai Bullar, Bhai Hawara and kill people such as Jaswant Singh Khalra who fought for the truth, something India don't know the meaning of!

Please a humble request for you all to join in the movement to free Professor Bhullar and abolish the death penalty in India. Please watch the following video!


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thursday 14 March 2013

Debate on Langar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. Earlier on today while I sat down with my family, and we had a very heated discussion to which a conclusion has been left up in the air and I felt that I should share this with you all so I could get the Sangat's views on this.

The argument against mine is that people that go to the Gurdwara only for Langar is wrong and that there should be a stop put to this. It is/has been known (apparently) that some of the Sangat just go to Gurdwara in the mornings for a roti or two and do the same in the evenings as well, without a thought towards praying or bowing before Guru Ji. I agree to the extent that this is not morally right as to go to the Gurdwara just for Langar, the Guru Ji should also be taken into consideration, I mean after all you are going to Guru Ghar (the house of God) and you should always go with a clear mind, to connect with Guru Ji and enjoy the essence of Sikhi. Aparently Gurdwara committees are saying they cannot afford to keep up with the demands of Langar.

A Sikh brother doing Seva, giving out Langar to the Sangat.
Anyway here is my argument. I argued that Langar is there for anybody, no matter what caste, creed, religion and it is accessible for all, throughout the day. Langar and Seva are core aspects of Sikhi. I believe that to do the Seva of everyone, whether they do seem to take advantage of it is something we should be doing rather than complaining about it. To me I would rather feed a homeless man 3 times a day in the Langar hall than reject him because he has had Langar once already. This malarky about the Gurdwareh not being able to afford to keep serving Langar because of the high demands cannot be right! The committees should stop filling their own pockets if it has become such a cause for concern that they are struggling to give out Langar.

The founding father of Sikhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had started up the whole idea of Langar when his father had given him 20 rupees (which was a lot of money at that time) to invest in a business of his choice. Upon his return when his father had asked him what he did with the money, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had said that he spent it all on giving out free food to the poor. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had started up Langar at Sucha Sauda Gurdwara in Pakistan and I have had the privilege of visiting the exact tree where Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat under and gave out Langar.

Now Sangat Jyo I leave it down to you, what are your views on this issue regarding Langar? Am very interested to hear what you think.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 11 March 2013

A year on..have you forgotten?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo apologies for my long absense, I had been very distracted and lost my touch in these last 6 months but now I am back and raring to go. My topic today is Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana, a year on since his stay of execution.

It was around about this time last year Bhai Rajoana had come to my attention, I sat there and wondered who this man was, why was there such a hype around him and why am I watching him on television? At this time I had not realised how much an impact this man would have on the Sikh nation.

Have you forgotten about this Sher of the Kaum?
Once I had gathered information and gained vast knowledge on this Sher of the Sikh Kaum it came to my attention that this man has the soch of Sant Ji, the soch of Baba Deep Singh, the soch of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur and that is for sovereignity.

We marched at many protests across the globe, we coloured the world in Kesri (Orange Nishaan Sahibs), we fought tooth and nail to make sure Bhai Rajoana would not be executed on the 31st March 2012.

The so called 'democratic' Indian goverment got worried, they trembled in their shoes at the thought of the Khalsa Panth rising once again, so what do they go and do..give a stay of execution. The perfect solution for them as they knew if they'd execute Rajoana Ji then the panth would rise! If they release him we would still rise, they played it safe and kept him languishing in jail.

A year on and the words Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana are hardly muttered around the world anymore. Recently Bhai Rajoana has been found guilty in both of his cases which were both false, laid against his name so they can try and cripple his soch, but this lion of the panth still stands proud, still shouts KHALISTAN ZINDABAAD! everytime he stares the government in the face!

The recent execution of Afzal Guru (one of the people who took part in the Mumbai terrorist attacks) has not only sent a shock into the system of all people in India, but has made me more aware and more scared that they may execute Bhai Rajoana. The execution of Afzal Guru was done in secret and was not announced until it happened. The same could happen to Bhai Rajoana if we do not rise as a nation, stand up and speak up for our rights and become a united panth once again.



Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh