Thursday 14 March 2013

Debate on Langar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. Earlier on today while I sat down with my family, and we had a very heated discussion to which a conclusion has been left up in the air and I felt that I should share this with you all so I could get the Sangat's views on this.

The argument against mine is that people that go to the Gurdwara only for Langar is wrong and that there should be a stop put to this. It is/has been known (apparently) that some of the Sangat just go to Gurdwara in the mornings for a roti or two and do the same in the evenings as well, without a thought towards praying or bowing before Guru Ji. I agree to the extent that this is not morally right as to go to the Gurdwara just for Langar, the Guru Ji should also be taken into consideration, I mean after all you are going to Guru Ghar (the house of God) and you should always go with a clear mind, to connect with Guru Ji and enjoy the essence of Sikhi. Aparently Gurdwara committees are saying they cannot afford to keep up with the demands of Langar.

A Sikh brother doing Seva, giving out Langar to the Sangat.
Anyway here is my argument. I argued that Langar is there for anybody, no matter what caste, creed, religion and it is accessible for all, throughout the day. Langar and Seva are core aspects of Sikhi. I believe that to do the Seva of everyone, whether they do seem to take advantage of it is something we should be doing rather than complaining about it. To me I would rather feed a homeless man 3 times a day in the Langar hall than reject him because he has had Langar once already. This malarky about the Gurdwareh not being able to afford to keep serving Langar because of the high demands cannot be right! The committees should stop filling their own pockets if it has become such a cause for concern that they are struggling to give out Langar.

The founding father of Sikhi, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had started up the whole idea of Langar when his father had given him 20 rupees (which was a lot of money at that time) to invest in a business of his choice. Upon his return when his father had asked him what he did with the money, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had said that he spent it all on giving out free food to the poor. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had started up Langar at Sucha Sauda Gurdwara in Pakistan and I have had the privilege of visiting the exact tree where Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat under and gave out Langar.

Now Sangat Jyo I leave it down to you, what are your views on this issue regarding Langar? Am very interested to hear what you think.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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