Monday 6 May 2013

My poem on Sikh history

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I hope you are all well and remain in Chardi Kala. I thought rather than discussing about the perpetrators against Sikhi in recent times or talk about a certain topic relating to Sikh sentements in depth, I would like to show you some of my poetic work which relates to Sikhi and I hope you enjoy it.

We fight against injustice, from previous to present
To wipe out the Sikh nation was their intent
Sri Harimandir Sahib, so beautiful and divine
in 84, the Indian government attacked our holiest shrine
reduced it to rubble, using their tanks
dumping our dead Sikh brothers and sisters in river banks
Countless killed our brothers, raped our sisters ripped their clothes
Adopting anti Sikh operations such as Shudi Karan, Blackthunder and Woodrose
India destroyed our gurdwaras, our families our lives
But remember sangat jyo the Khalsa Panth never dies
We have awoken, our lions have roared
remember the words of Guru Ji, when all peaceful means fail its righteous to draw the sword
The government have fear, they tremble in their knees
Because we have finally arisen to make ourselves free
free from oppression, from genocide from slavery
One day we shall achieve it just wait and see
Khalistan will be established as our own nation
Justice will be served and for us will become a revelation
Sajjan Kumar, Tytler and Gill will pay for what they did
Fighting for justice is what we bid
Taken them to court with full evidence, after 29 years justice it shall be
Yet they become acquitted, they get to walk free
But our brothers and sisters have sat in jail without a valid reason
Given false accusations such as terrorism and treason
Wake up Sangat Jyo we have to unite
So gear yourselves for the battle of truth because we shall win this fight
They claim to be the land of freedom what a hypocrisy
All this coming from India 'the worlds largest democracy'

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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