Friday 8 June 2012

Short poem for 84!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji I hope you are all well. I thought about writing a poem in memory of 84 which would be easy to understand for all so here it goes.

To get basic human rights was our priority
They attacked Sri Harimandir Sahib to surpress a minority
They killed thousands of Sikhs just like you n me
But they dont understand that they will never kill Sikhi
They did things that you never thought some1 would do
murder, rape and even the beadbi of our Guru
But it was not only bluestar more follows
Such as operation blackthunder and operation woodrose
But the day will return where we lead our fight for freedom once more
To get basic human rights for the people of punjab, rich or poor
A day will come where we will have another leader like Sant Ji
To free us from the Indian shackles of slavery
 Nothing has been done for us in the name of the law
28 years still no justice, never forget 84

I hope you enjoy my poem, I only had a short time to write this.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sunday 3 June 2012

Never Forget 1984

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo hope you are all well. I am sure you are all aware that these past few dates have marked the 28th anniversary of 1984 in which operation bluestar took place and the aftermath of the Dehli massacre, in simpler terms the attempted holocaust of the Sikhs in India.

Operation Bluestar was when the Indian Army by the orders of the tyranical leader Indira Gandhi were sent to Sri Harimandir Sahib in order to what they call 'flush out millitants' and to try and put a stop to the Khalistani freedom movement in which Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale had begun. I have written a more detailed blog about this so if you would like to learn more about operation bluestar please do read it. Furthermore I have written a detailed blog on the Dehli massacres of 84 as well so please do take the time to read both to gain a better understanding.

Now it is in my opinion, very important that we should never forget the injustices committed against us in 84 because we have not received justice for it. The desicration of Sri Akhal Takht Sahib by the Indian government still makes my blood boil to this day but I am not alone as I am sure you all feel the same. To burn the Sikh history library in the Sri Harimandir Sahib Complex again trying to wipe out our precious artifacts and history. The beadbi committed by the soldiers by shooting at Guru Granth Sahib Ji and desicrating Sri Akhal Takht, all gone without justice being served. Those innocent Sikhs killed in the Dehli massacre and in fake encounters. A generation of Sikhs were wiped off the face of the earth and still we have had no justice!

To ask a Sikh to forget about 1984 is like asking a Jew to forget about the holocaust during ww2. That fire still burns in each and every Sikh person's heart! 28 years and we still have no justice! You may be able kill a Sikh, but you cannot kill off Sikhi! Many of tried in the past and they have all failed!

Never Forget 84! Khalistan Zindabaad!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Friday 1 June 2012

Guru Ram Das Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo I first of all hope you are all well. I will now carry on with the 11 part series of the Gurus carrying on with talking about our beloved 4th Guru of Sikhi, Guru Ram Das Ji (Ram Das means servant of God).

Guru Ji was born on the 9th October 1534 in Chuna Mundi Lahore in Pakistan. Guru Ji became a Guru at the age of 40 and lived until he was 47. Guru Ji's main focal points when he became Guru were that he became the author of Laava (marraige rites which are used in weddings even now!), The design of Sri Harimandir Sahib (The Golden Temple). He also planned and constructed the township of Ramdaspur which is now known as Amritsar and was also the created the organisation structuer of the Sikh society.

In Guru Ji's early years before being appointed Guru his name was Jetha (meaning first born). He had come across a group of Sikhs who were heading to Goindwal to pay homage to Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji had noticed that Jetha was very devoted and while the group had returned to Lahore, Jetha stayed with Guru Amar Das Ji and had become a disciple of his. Bhai Jetha would do countless hours of Seva and Guru Amar Das Ji was very fond of him. Guru Ji would arrange the marraige between Bhai Jetha and Bibi Bhani who was Guru Amar Das Ji's daughter.

Guru Ram Das Ji had created the second sacred pool in Ramdaspur (now known as Amritsar) as instructed by Guru Amar Das Ji and Pilgrims from everywhere would come to listen to and help the Guru with the work of the water tank. The holy tank would be given the name of Amritsar (meaning pool of nectar) and it was from this day forth that Amritsar would be the holiest centre of Sikhi.

Guru Ram Das Ji composed a beautiful bani called Laavan about the meaning of marriage to a Sikh couple – Effectively, the Guru defines a Sikh marriage in these 2 lines: "They are not said to be husband and wife who merely sit together. Rather they alone are called husband and wife, who have one soul in two bodies." 

Guru Ji when it got near to the end of his human life, appointed his youngest son to become the next Guru. He would be known as Guru Arjan Dev Ji. Guru Ram Das Ji departed from his human form on the 16th of September 1581.
Our beloved 4th Guru of Sikhi, Guru Ram Das Ji!

I will talk about Guru Arjan Dev Ji, our beloved 5th Guru in the next part of the series.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh