Wednesday 30 May 2012

Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo hope you are all ok alive and well. I did say I would write about the 4th Guru today but I've put that on hold till tomorrow to talk about something that puzzles me in the present.

Dr Manmohan Singh is the current Prime Minister of India and yes he is a Sikh, I believe the first Sikh to be elected as president in it's history. We may think that is a good thing having one of our own as Prime Minister of a country which is meant to be our 'homeland' but I beg to differ.

Dr Manmohan Singh - Sikh by appearence
 but is he a Sikh by heart?
This same person runs in the same political party (Congress party) that Indira Gandhi once was apart of when she was at the top. He must of been a young lad at the time of 84 so I am 100% sure he was aware of what she had done and what happened in the aftermath of Gandhi's assassination when a mass genocide of Sikhs across India was carried out so how can someone that is a Sikh be apart of the same politcal party that launched an attack at the heart of every Sikh worldwide when she ordered the army to attack Sri Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple)?

At first I thought when he was elected to be Prime Minister 8 years ago I believe, I was full of optimism and I thought finally Sikhs will get their fair say in India but this joke of a pm turned out to be the same as the rest of them. I thought that justice would be served under this new regime for the attack on his own people back in 84. I would of thought that our everlasting dream of Khalistan (Sikh independent state) would be achieved and he would be the man to give us our homeland from birthright. Again I was wrong!

I believe he is a prime example of the corruption that India is well known for. He has done nothing for us in India! He hasn't even visited Shaheed Jaspal Singh's family or issue an apology to the family to them because it was HIS police that killed the young innocent man. Sikh by appearence but is he Sikh by heart?

Largest Democracy in the world? Please give it a rest, you have done nothing to change the corruption in India and you have successfully lost our trust in you.

India - killing off the minorities and bringing injustice to the millions of minorities who live there.

Please watch this interesting video by Veer Ji Sarbjit Singh who talks about the Prime Minister in depth, a great watch!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Guru Amar Das Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo hope you are all well. Today is the 3rd part of the 11 part series. I will talk about Guru Amar Das Ji, 3rd Guru of Sikhi!

Guru Amar Das Ji was born on the 5th May 1479 and was given the title of Guru on the 26th March 1552. Guru Ji was the eldest in his family and had a father who owned a shop in the village of Basarke near Amritsar. Guru Ji when he aged, eventually got married to Mata Mansa Devi and had four children 2 sons and 2 daughters. One of his daughters, when she got older, married Bhai Jetha who would become the fourth Guru, Guru Ram Das Ji.

Guru Ji did not become Guru till the age of 72 and would follow in the footsteps of Guru Angad Dev Ji. Guru Amar Das Ji took up cudgels of spirituality to fight against caste restrictions, caste prejudices and the curse of untouchability and also strengthened the system of Langar (free food) by ensuring that anybody whether they are rich or poor, sick or healthy all eat together in one place which eventually would be known to modern society as a Langar Hall.

Guru Amar Das Ji had also created the Anand Karaj marraige ceremony for Sikhs to follow when they get married instead of using the Hindu form which recently has now been passed in India as the Anand marraige act!

Guru Ji also abolished the acts which were done by Sikhs in those time. They were called Sati (burning to death of the wife at the husbands funeral) and Paradha (covering the face of a female with a veil) in order to show equality amongst Sikh men and women.
Our iconic third guru of Sikhi, Guru Amar Das Ji

Tomorrow I shall speak about our 4th Guru, Guru Ram Das Ji!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 28 May 2012

Guru Angad Dev Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Jyo first of all I hope you are all well. Secondly I would like to apologise for me not updating my blog, I went home for the weekend and so many last minute things had come up I had not found the time to carry on with my 11 part series. Today I am going to talk to you about Guru Angad Dev Ji - 2nd Guru of the Sikhs!

Guru Angad Dev Ji was born on the 31st March 1504 in the village of Sarae Naga, Muktsar, Punjab. In 1538, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had chosen Lehna (his name before being appointed Guru) to take over the Guruship rather than one of his own sons. He continued to work hard on the foundation of Sikhi that Guru Nanak Dev Ji had left, he had taken Sikhi into further depths just as Guru Nanak Dev Ji would of wanted him to.

Guru Ji was married and had four children (2 sons and 2 daughters). The whole family had left the village after attacks from the Babar army and found refuge which enabled them to settle down in a small village located 25km away from the holy city Amritsar.

Guru Angad Dev Ji was a disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji for many years after being wowed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji's kirtan which still rang in his mind. He therefore became devoted to Guru Ji which lasted 6 or 7 years. On 7 September 1539 Guru Nanak Dev Ji had renamed him to Angad and had ensured that he would be the next Guru of Sikhi.

Guru Angad Dev Ji had invented the Gurmukhi scriptures which are still read to this very day and shall remain to be read until the end of time! It gave the people who spoke this language an identity of their own, enabling them to express their thought directly and without any difficulty or transliteration. The institution of Langar which was first started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Sacha Sauda Gurdwara in Pakistan was still running and developed further under the guidance of Guru Angad Dev Ji. The Guru's wife personally worked in the kitchen. She also served food to the members of the community and the visitors. Her devotion to this institution finds mention in Guru Granth Sahib.
Our iconic 2nd Guru of Sikhi, Guru Angad Dev Ji

I will speak about the third Guru, Guru Amar Das Ji tomorrow.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I hope you are all well Sangat Jyo. Today I wanted to bring to your attention the Gurus of Sikhi! It is vitally important that each and every Sikh should know the Gurus who created and forwarded our beautiful religion. As part of a 11 part blog entry I will begin with Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru of Sikhi.

1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji - Born in the year if 1469 (same year as the birth of Sikhi) Guru Nanak Dev Ji was our first Guru. He was born in the village of Talwandi which is now known as Nankana Sahib which is located near Lahore. Guru Nanak Ji was always fascinated by God even at a young age. He would not take part in rituals that had been originated by Islam and Hinduism at the time but opted to meditate for large parts of the day being spiritually connected with Waheguru Ji. Guru Nanak Dev Ji introduced the three pillars of Sikhi. They were:
Naam Japna Guru ji led the Sikhs directly to practise Simran and Naam Japna – meditation on God through reciting, chanting, singing and constant remembrance followed by deep study & comprehension of God’s Name and virtues. In real life to practice and tread on the path of Dharam (righteousness) - The inner thought of the Sikh thus stays constantly immersed in praises and appreciation of the Creator and the ONE ETERNAL GOD Waheguru.
 Kirat Karni He expected the Sikhs to live as honourable householders and practise Kirat Karni – To honestly earn by ones physical and mental effort while accepting both pains and pleasures as GOD's gifts and blessings. One is to stay truthful at all times and, fear none but the Eternal Super Soul. Live a life founded on decency immersed in Dharam - life controlled by high spiritual, moral and social values.
Vand Chakna. The Sikhs were asked to share their wealth within the community by practising Vand Chakna – “Share and Consume together”. The community or Sadh Sangat is an important part of Sikhism. One must be part of a community that is living the flawless objective values set out by the Sikh Gurus and every Sikh has to contribute in whatever way possible to the common community pool. This spirit of Sharing and Giving is an important message from Guru Nanak.

History states that he made four great journeys, travelling to all parts of India, and into Arabia and Persia; visiting Mecca and Baghdad. He spoke before Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Parsees
, and Muslims. He spoke in the temples and mosques, and at various pilgrimage sites. Wherever he went, Guru Nanak spoke out against empty religious rituals, pilgrimages, the caste system, the sacrifice of widows, of depending on books to learn the true religion, and of all the other tenets that were to define his teachings. Never did he ask his listeners to follow him. He asked the Muslims to be true Muslims and the Hindus to be true Hindus.

Nankana Sahib is where Guru Ji was born and lived in his days of his youth. The area consists of 7 Gurdwaras each having something amazing about Guru Ji. I have visited each and must say I felt blessed to have been in a place where our Guru Ji once walked, ate, breathed and lived.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji breathed his last breath in Kartarpur (City of God) in 1552. His followers who were from both Hinduism and Islam could not decide what to do with Guru Ji's body and therefore covered his body in white cloth and laid flowers.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Our first beloved Guru.

Guru Angad Dev Ji was the next Guru in which I will write about tomorrow.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 21 May 2012

A poem/song written by myself

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji I do again apologise for a long delay in my blog updates. I have had no internet access for 4 days but I am back and running. Please do read this poem/song that I have written and let me know what you think of it.

Bhai Balwant Singh a lion of our nation

Another leader to build on the Khalistan foundation

As the call for Khalistan has grown

This brave lion united the panth on his own

Locked him away for 17 years

When you look into his eyes there is no fear

You locked him away for the killing of the Cm of Punjab

Beanta was a tyrant, his soch was so kraab

He killed innocent sikh men women and youth

Yet the indian government will not reveal the truth

We want justice for your inhumane deeds

We want our people of the  khalsa panth freed

The ones you’ve kept in jail torturing our sisters and brothers

Fathers, cousins and mothers.

The indian government thought it was ok to desecrate Sri Akhal Takht Sahib

We ask for justice and get no jivaab (answers)

Sant Ji said under the indian government we will always be apart of slavery

He started the movement, now its time we became free

The time for Sarbat Khalsa is here

We are Sikhs we have no fear

We need to free ourselves from these dark days

Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana will lead the way

To a place where no Sikh will be led astray

Where we shall go to gurdwara bow to our Guru and receive parshaad

To our sacred homeland. Khalistan Zindabaad!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Operation Blackthunder

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji I hope you are all well. Today I would like to bring operation blackthunder to your attention as this is very rarely spoken about.

Operation Blackthunder was the second time the Indian government had orders to storm the Sri Harimandir Sahib (Golden Temple) complex in order to flush out what they called 'militants'. On the 12th May 1988 they stormed the complex killing innocents once again, although the casualties were not of the same scale, the fact that they stormed our sacred shrine for a second time is despicable. The Indian government were so distraught at the fact that Sikhs had rebuilt the Akhal Takht and gained control of Amritsar once again that they thought it was their duty to flush us out, again just like in 84, for no apparent reason. The government feared us!

The corrupt Indian government even went to the lengths of building a replica model of the Sri Harimandir Sahib complex in Haryana for the training of the special action group from the National Security Guards (NSG) which would be used on a weekly basis in preparation for the attack.

Rajiv Gandhi tabled eight of eleven meetings regarding Operation Black Thunder. Home Minister Buta Singh and Minister of State for Home P. Chidambaram were in support. After the green light was given Air Force airlifted Special Action Group (SAG) of 1000 commandos of National Security Guards (NSG) and their equipment to Amritsar on May 11 and 12.

The killing of militants by security forces outside the temple was supplemented with selective killing inside by the infiltrators. For example when of all the people were inside, Jagir Singh - a senior person who was the spokesman of the Panthic Committee came out of room 14 to fetch a pail of water from the holy tank he was shot in the back of the head, obviously from inside the building. Mortally wounded his body fell to the pavement near the sarovar.
On May 15 in response to an appeal by Inspector General (Border) Chaman Lal and Deputy Commissioner Sarabjit Singh to surrender, 151 persons including 17 women and children came out with their hands and weapons in the air. 

KPS Gill was also involved in Operation Blackthunder a fellow Sikh, betraying his own people to follow a fascist government who's idealogies included an all Hindu country regarding minorities as Hindus too.

Sangat Ji, the reason I have brought up these operations that were carried out by the Indian government were because we need to understand that we should never forget what happened in our past! We need to educate the youth so they know what kind of injustice has gone on to us as a nation. We as Sikhs shall never give in to the Indian government, we only bow down to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaaj. United We Stand! Never Forgive, Never Forget!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Our everlasting fight for freedom!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji I hope you are all well and I do apologise for not uploading any blog posts for the past week as I have been restricted of internet access due to a line connection failure at home. I wanted to talk about our fight for freedom and how long it has been going on since.

The 10 Guru's of Sikhi! Fought for our freedom!
In 1469 Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born, thus creating the birth of Sikhi and this had continued with the blessed 10 Guru Ji's to progress Sikhi further. Guru Gobind Singh Ji ignited the birth of the Khalsa Panth giving us the names 'Akal Purakh de fauj' which means the army of God. He initiated that every Sikh man should have their middle name as Singh which has the definition of Lion, and every Sikh woman should have the middle name Kaur which means princess.

Even the Guru's fought for rights like we do today! Guru Arjun Dev Ji was burned on a hot plate alive by the Mughals fighting for the rights of the people! Guru Tegh Bahadur was beheaded fighting for the rights of a different faith (believed to be Hinduism) against the Mughal empire. Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his sons the Char Sahibzade (four sons) fought in countless battles against the Mughal empire for the rights of the Khalsa Panth. Baba Deep Singh, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur they too fought for the rights of the Khalsa Panth!

Fast forwarding to current times, in the 1970's and 80's Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale fought for the rights of Sikhs in India and let a movement so powerful that the Indian government feared us. Just like the Guru's led a movement, just like Baba Deep Singh and Baba Banda Singh Bahadur led the movement they were all feared by tyrants and enemies who tried to put a halt to it all. But as you see now we are still standing here, proud of our history, proud to be Sikhs.

Fast forwarding slightly more, Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana fought for the rights of Sikhs when he conspired with Bhai Dilawar Singh to kill a tyrant! Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara also has done the same! These people we see today are our freedom fighters just like we have had in the past, these are our present freedom fighters. The news about Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana sparked a global outcry for the injustice to Sikh human rights in India, The Kesri revolution has begun, it is now our time to take this fight for freedom forward. We have our leader in Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana who is the spearhead for our fight for freedom, now we must do our bit Sangat Ji for the freedom of Sikhi, for the freedom of a nation. Raise the Kesri Chundeh high, be proud to be a Sikh and create the unity we so very much lack in order to win this fight for freedom. Our time has come Sangat Ji lets not fade away now! Below is a video from our brother Sarbjit Singh who does Rajoana TV, he explains this very well please do watch this!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh 

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Inspirational people of Sikhi - Mata Bhag Kaur

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Hope you are all well Sangat Ji, I thought today I would talk about another one of our inspirational people in Sikhi and give my blogs a bit of happyness, It is important to remember our negative past but also vitally important to remember our positive past too.

Mai Bhago, a truly insprational woman of Sikhi!
Mai Bhago also known as Mata Bhag Kaur was a Sikh woman who led Sikh soldiers against the Mughals in 1705. She killed several enemy soldiers on the battlefield, and is a saint warrior by the Sikhs. She was the sole survivor of the battle of Khidrana, i.e. Battle of Muktsar (fought on 29 December 1705); was a daughter of Bhai Mallo Shah, granddaughter of Bhai Pero Shah, the younger brother of Bhai Langah, a Dhillon Jatt Chaudhary of 84 villages who had become a Sikh during the time of Guru Arjan, the fifth Sikh Guru. She was the only sister of four brothers.
She had also set out during battle to find the Chaali Mukta ( 40 liberated men) who had earlier deserted Guru Gobind Singh Ji during a battle that took place at Anandpur Sahib. She persuaded them to find Guru Ji and apologise for what they had done. They pleaded to Guru Ji to reinstate them as Sikhs which Guru Ji humbly accepted ensuring that they rejoined the Khalsa Panth.
Mai Bhago led the Chaali Mukta to battle knowing that death would be upon them as they took on 10,000 Mughal soldiers! However they inflicted so much damage to the 10,000 strong army that they had to retreat in the nearby woods. All the Chaali Mukta had died from their wounds except one Mahari Singh, who died in Guru Ji's lap, but before dieing he looked up at Guru Ji and requested that the letter they had written to say they are not Sikhs to be ripped up and for Guri Ji to forgive them all, which he did.
Mai Bhago was such an inspirational character in Sikhi that she led 40 men against a 10,000 strong army and still managed to force them to retreat, truly inspirational! The women in Sikhi had a huge role to play in our proud history as well as the men and I for one am proud of our history and proud to be a Sikh! Just remember people like Mai Bhago died for the sake of us, for the future of Sikhi and we should never forget the martyrs of Sikhi!
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Monday 7 May 2012

Have you forgotten about Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Have you forgotten about him?
Sorry for such a delay in my blog posting, I have been fairly busy the last week or so but now have the time to resume my blog posts. I have a question for you all Sangat Ji, Have you forgotten about Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana?

It seems to me that people are forgetting about Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana quicker and quicker by the day. Where I live back home in the Midlands, I saw unity! I saw orange everywhere, Kesri Chundeh on cars, outside homes flying high and proud! Protest rallies for the release of Bhai Balwant Singh Ji. We are now into May and I have seen a huge decrease in the movement. People have started taking their flags down from houses, removing them off cars, not pledging orange. Why?

This is the problem we have as a community, we gain momentum from movements such as this, but we lose it once we have a piece of good news, which to be quite honest isn't all that great. Bhai Balwant Singh Ji is still in prison! Only half the job was completed with the stay of execution meaning that it has been postponed till further notice. But what did we gain from that?  We managed to give Bhai Balwant Singh Ji time but the fact of the matter is he is still in jail. For all we know the government could execute him tomorrow! We should not rest until he is released from jail! Only then can we move forward as a nation which is in desperate cry for a leader! Bhai Balwant Singh Ji has the qualities of a leader, he can take us forward just like Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale did in the 80's. People such as these two iconic figures only appear as one in a million type of people.

I urge you all Sangat Ji to jump back on to the IPledgeOrange movement! to fly the Kesri Chundeh high from your homes once again! Fly them from your cars once again! Wear something orange, keep up this momentum and create an awareness. Recently I have bought an IPledgeOrange wristband of Ebay for the small sum of £1. I purchased an Iphone case with Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana's face on there to keep up the awareness! Shere Punjab in Bham were selling Rajoana t shirts in orange, Derby sangat were selling Release Rajoana t shirts. The movement is here, don't lose the momentum Sangat Ji, build on this. Our time has come for unity, we must stay focused on our long term goal which is to achieve Khalistan! (The Sikh homeland).

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Operation Woodrose

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji I hope that you are all well. Sorry for the late blog entry but I have been very busy today, although now I am free I wanted to bring to your attention something which is very rarely discussed with regards to the events of Sikh history. Operation Woodrose.

Innocent Sikhs murdered during Operation Woodrose,
On the left a young boy! This is the work of the 'largest democracy
in the world'!
Operation Woodrose was known to be another military operation carried out by the Indian government during June-September 1984, the aftermath of Operation bluestar. There was one sole purpose for Operation Woodrose and that was to kill any Sikh man/boy. These were the orders given by the government to flush out what they call 'terrorism' and this was done by arresting, interrogating and I use that term loosely, and murdering these men/boys. Now somebody please care to explain how boys as young as 5 or 6 years old can be labelled 'terrorists' when they are just infants? Also someone please tel me, when we have not committed any terrorist crimes, why are we being labelled as terrorists? Innocent men and boys were killed across the Punjab, with the death toll rising into the thousands!

Have a guess who was the spearhead for this operation? That's right KPS Gill, a so called Sikh led this operation against his own kind. A tactic that the police would use in order to mislead the public of India is that they would make the death of some if not all Sikhs look like battle encounters when in reality the police would kill them, then place a gun next to the body in order to create a fake encounter. What they would do is firstly order the Sikh man or boy to run for their life while pointing a gun at them, once they started running they would shoot them on sight making sure they are dead. Then they would place a gun next to the dead body making it seem as if it was an encounter. They did this on a number of occassions with Sikhs. Furthermore the police were known to of raped many Sikh women during this operation with countless Sikh women having to endure the pain and suffering of rape not knowing that their husbands or sons were alive or not.

Another thing that the police and Indian government had done were cremate the bodies of murdered Sikhs at these private cremation grounds. They claim that they had not used this but studies by Jaswant Singh Khalra proved that in Punjab they were using over 50 cremation sites. Thousands of dead Sikhs were taken here to be cremated, evidence destroyed and all this would of been done without the families of the Sikh men/boys knowing what went on.

50,000 Sikhs were killed, Still no justice! Attack on our most Sacred shrine, desicrated by the army, Still no justice! Countless Sikh women left widowed and raped by the police, Still no justice! The Singhs and Singhnia locked up in prisons across Punjab for no apparent reason, Still no justice!

Sangat Ji it's time to wake up, we have gone too long suffering at the hands of the Indian government with generations of Sikhs murdered, innocent Sikhs being locked away in prison just for being Sikh. We need to unite together to really put pressure on the Indian government for justice, for freedom, for peace for the families who lost a loved one at the hands of the tyranny of the Indian government, we must do this worldwide! We are the Khalsa Panth! United we stand, Divided we fall!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat Ji would just like to wish you all a good afternoon and hope that you are all well. My blog updates lately have been on the negative history regarding our community but today I've decided that I would write about a man who brought positivity to the Panth in the late 70's and 80's. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale.

Sant Ji was born in the village of Rode, Malwa, Punjab. His father, Joginder Singh, was a farmer and a local Sikh leader and his mother was Nihal kaur. Jarnail Singh was the seventh of seven brothers and one sister. In 1965, Sant Ji had enrolled into the Damdami Taksaal (a religious school where Sikhi is taught to a very high level) in Moga, Punjab. Kartar Singh who was head of the Damdami Taksaal knew that Sant Jarnail Singh Ji was something different from the early years and quickly had become the favourite student of Kartar Singh. Kartar Singh had a fatal accident and could no longer continue his role as head, so he passed on the torch to Sant Ji who became head of the Damdami Taksaal.

As he grew older, he took the role of spreading Sikhi peacefully across Punjab. His aim was to bring those who were lost into the abyss of alcohol, drugs and laxness in religious practices such as cutting hair and eating meat back to Sikhi. Sant Ji would go from village to village, leaving a powerful impact amongst the ones who he would speak to about bringing them back to Sikhi. Many had left behind the life of drugs and alcohol and came back to Sikhi because of this great man.

Sant Ji giving a motivational speech to thousands of Sikhs in attendance,
 this is the sort of effect he had on Sikhs in Punjab, amazing!
Sant Ji was also the spearhead of the Khalistani movement in the 80's although saying he had not demanded for Khalistan but he was a very firm supporter for Khalistan (A Sikh independent state). With many if not all Sikhs in Punjab giving them his support the fight for Khalistan had begun. He was quoted saying very famously to the Indian government "if the Indian Government invaded the Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple) complex, the foundation for an independent Sikh state will have been laid." This is exactly what happened as the Indian government ordered operation bluestar in order to put a halt to the Khalistani movement. Why? you may ask..quite simply because the Indian government feared Sant Ji, he was a very powerful figure in the Khalsa Panth, had the support of thousands if not millions of Sikhs worldwide!

Although it is not absolutely 100% confirmed the government claim that during operation bluestar, Sant Ji had been killed in action thus making him a Shaheed (martyr) of the Panth along with the other brave lions of the Khalsa who died fighting for the freedom of Sikhs! Some claim that Sant Ji is still alive and well and when he returns he will reactivate the fight against the government once again in order to free ourselves from the shackles of the Indian government.

What we would give to have Sant Ji back amongst us again, Sant Ji was a very powerful man who had made speeches which would move an entire village, bringing them back to Sikhi. Some may label him as a terrorist which he is not! But in the eyes of millions of Sikhs worldwide he is a Sant! (Saint) A lion of the Khalsa Panth! A Hero! We could say that in today's climate of the Sikhs fighting for justice and Khalistan that Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana has come in another form similarly to Sant Ji after all they have both done what many have either failed or just not bothered to do. Unite the Sikh Panth worldwide! We need more people like Sant Ji and Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana in our Panth, inspirational leaders to take us on to the path of justice and freedom!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh