Tuesday 18 September 2012

Confusion over religion

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I apologise deeply to you all as I have not updated my blog in 2 months but I would like to carry on where I left off. The topic today is the confusion people have between Sikhs and Hindus.

Last week I took the courtesy of watching India vs New Zealand in a t20 warm up game. Was surprised to see a certain Yuvraj Singh playing after his treatment and looking forward to him showcasing his talent. While watching the game I had noticed he was wearing a necklace with an Om pendant on it. This immediately sprung to my mind and I questioned myself saying that if Yuvraj Singh is indeed a Sikh then why does he wear an om pendant? I had a discussion with others and some people had said that they wear it for show! To be patriotic etc but in my eyes to devote oneself to a religion you must follow it and not cross mix with it all.

I've even read when doing research online that in some Gurdwareh, they tried to put up idols of Hindu Gods to make it seem like we are from the same faith! Whether there is any truth in this I am not sure but please if you do know anything like this, let me know and spread the word!

India and it's pathetic democracy already label us Sikhs as Hindu's according to the constitution which seriously needs a revamp, I do not understand why other parties such as the UN do not get involved in this and give us the stepping stone to freedom that we crave for. I also hate being labelled as an Indian! Why would I want to belong to a secular group which ordered the mass genocide of my people in 84? Why would I want to be apart of that when they have been treating us worse than animals? Why would I want to be apart of a democracy that doesn't even recognise us legally for who we are?

I would like to conclude this short segment with a bold statement that I hope the government in India read! I AM NOT INDIAN, NEVER HAVE BEEN AND NEVER WILL BE! I AM A SIKH AND PROUD OF IT!

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh